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In a 2014 article, “The Dangers and Consequences of Marijuana Abuse,” the DEA linked depression to marijuana use among teens, adults, and even dogs. Because studies like this inform policies created at the federal level, it’s important that they reflect the most accurate, up-to-date information. Which raises the question: does cannabis really cause depression and other mental health issues?

New research published by JAMA Psychiatry shares opposing results. The study

“found that using marijuana as an adult is not associated with a variety of mood and anxiety disorders, including depression and bipolar disorder.”

Read the full article.

Researchers examined the prevalence of cannabis use among study participants, and did not report an increased risk for developing mood or anxiety disorders. While this is in stark contrast with previous findings, “prior evidence of links between marijuana and psychiatric disorders could be due more to confounding factors than anything else.”

With the ever-changing medicinal cannabis landscape, this study (and others of its kind) could positively influence pro-cannabis legislation.

Learn more about healing yourself and your clients with medical marijuana! Check out the cannabis education certification program and modules at the Holistic Cannabis Academy.

Read the full study published in JAMA Psychiatry entitled “Cannabis Use and Risk of Psychiatric Disorders Prospective Evidence from a US National Longitudinal Study.”